The Collegiate

The University of Winnipeg




Be a part of the powerful network of 50,000 alumni ambassadors going beyond expectations to have a lasting impact on the world.

Who We Are?

The Alumni Association is governed by a board of directors – referred to as the Alumni Council. We are a small group of dedicated people that share a common bond through our education at the University of Winnipeg. We are united by our desire to make a significant contribution to the University of Winnipeg community.

The mission of the UWinnipeg Alumni Association is to build and maintain lifelong relationships between the University and its diverse alumni and to foster an alumni program that expands alumni networks and generates loyalty to our University through mentorship, support, communication and lifelong learning.

To be a member of the Alumni Council, you must be an alumnus of The University of Winnipeg, Professional, Applied and Continuing Education (PACE), The Collegiate, or have graduated from any of the UWinnipeg affiliates prior to 1968, such as Manitoba College, Wesley College, or United College.

For more information please contact

Alumni Council 2021-2022


Judith Neumann (BAH 71)

Judith graduated from the University of Winnipeg in 1971 with a double major in Psychology and Political Science. She has been involved with education throughout her lifetime, having been employed with the Department of Education in the areas of Planning and Research and Post-Secondary Education. Following this she was employed for many years with the Manitoba Association of School Trustees in the areas of Research and Communications. In addition she was one of the founding members and President of The Association for Bright Children (ABC) of Manitoba. Now retired, she has the time and interest in helping the Alumni Council achieve its goals. One of her particular interests is Mentorship and the wonderful networking opportunities that it can provide. She is married with two adult children.


John Krahn (BSC 68)

John was awarded The University of Winnipeg Distinguished Alumni Award in 2006 for well-rounded excellence that encompassed professional achievements, significant contributions to community, and strength of character. He has a PHD from the University of Manitoba. Now retired, he was formerly the joint Head of the Department of Pathology and Lab Medicine for the University of Saskatchewan and the Saskatoon Health Region. He received his first degree from this university and it helped in his development as a scholar and scientist and would now like to make a contribution of his time. He interest on the Alumni Council is to support students and all things scientific.

Council Member

Fred Appel (BAH 85)

I received my Ph.D. in political theory and political science from McGill University in the early 1990’s, a Masters in Sociology from the Universite de Montreal, and my B.A. Honours from the U of W in 1985. As an acquisition’s editor at Princeton University Press, a publisher of scholarly and general interest books based in Princeton, New Jersey, I have many connections with the global scholarly community and have worked with an array of authors, particularly in the humanities and social sciences. Among my authors are Canadians who work in higher education across North America, who might be inclined to participate in alumni events or otherwise support work being done at the U of W. As a member of the Alumni Council, I am pleased to offer suggestions for alumni programs such as lectures and for ways to connect U of W faculty to scholars with complementary interests around the world.

Council Member

Jordan Michael Smith (BA 14)

Jordan graduated from The University of Winnipeg with a BA in 2015. He is a former varsity athlete with the Wesmen. Jordan's connection and foundation runs deep with the University of Winnipeg. After graduating with a major in Sociology, he went on to join SkipTheDishes as a Senior Growth Executive at both their Winnipeg and Toronto offices. Here, he developed a passion towards community and technology, which led him to develop the peer-to-peer rental application RENTERII. Outside of tech, he is passionate about community development and the accessibility of entrepreneurship support structures - for students and residents located in low-income neighbourhoods throughout Winnipeg.

Council Member

Brent Corrigan (BED 79)

Brent graduated from the University of Winnipeg in 1979 with a Bachelor of Education Degree and also holds a Masters of Education Degree from the University of Manitoba. He worked for 31 years in education as a junior and senior high school teacher and administrator, and as a sessional instructor in the University of Winnipeg’s Faculty of Education. Career highlights include being the first principal of Collège Sturgeon Heights Collegiate after serving as the Chair of the Divisional Amalgamation Committee, as well as serving terms as the President of the Manitoba Association of Mathematics Teachers and the Technical Vocational Leadership Council. In retirement Brent has volunteered as a tutor for the John Howard Society and has worked at the West End Cultural Center. Brent hopes to contribute to the Marketing and Communications Committee to assist with the growth of the Alumni Association

Council Member

Ann Evangelista (BAH 22)

Ann completed an MA degree in Education, MBA, BA Degree in Developmental Studies in 2021, and BA (Honours) degree in Psychology in June 2022 at the University of Winnipeg. Ann greatly believes that being part of the Alumni Council is one of the best ways to give back to her Alma Mater. Ann works as an Instructor in the English Language Program at the University of Winnipeg. She is currently the Board Secretary of the UPAA-MB (University of the Philippines Alumni and Associates in Manitoba). She is also the lead advocate for WINCOM (Winnipeg Consular Movement), the call to have a Philippine Consulate Embassy in Manitoba.

Council Member

Dorothy Young (BA 75)

Dorothy was an educator (teacher, administrator, superintendent) for 40 years in public education in Manitoba. She has a BA from the University of Winnipeg, a B. Ed., M. Ed., and Ph. D. from the University of Manitoba, and Certificates in Clinical Supervision from UCLA. She was recently re-elected to a second three-year term on the Alumni Council. Dorothy has extensive volunteer experience within education, including President of The Manitoba Teachers’ Society; at the Canadian Museum for Human Rights; the Grace Hospital, including co-chair of the Patient and Family Advisory Committee; at her church; Child and Family Services of Winnipeg West, including chairperson; and as a Director on the Board of CJNU Nostalgia Radio. She has won numerous awards including the Dr. J. M. Brown Award for her outstanding contribution to teacher education in Manitoba, and the Paul Harris Fellow Award for vocational excellence from the Winnipeg-Assiniboine Rotary Club. In her spare time, Dorothy develops policies, procedures, and reviews bylaws and constitutions for organizations. Dorothy was appointed to the Board of Regents in July, 2019 and sits on both the Audit and Risk and the Governance and Community Relations Committees.

Council Member

Jamal Tajdin (BBA 2018)

Jamal is a recent graduate and has been able to obtain diverse work experience across multiple industries and countries. He believes it is important to help the next generations go through life. During his time at the university he worked at the UWSA, and is currently involved with multiple charities both local and international. He would like to have a role advising with both traditional and social media, as well as the legislative and parliamentary processes to get alumni involved and educated on the powerful role they have on the future of Canada.

Council Member

Bryan Hobson (BA 92)

Bryan graduated from the UWinnipeg in 1992 with a Bachelor of Arts majoring in administrative studies. He was the first in his Saulteaux Ojibway family from Swan Lake First Nation to obtain a university degree. For the last 14 years, Bryan has helped inspire Indigenous initiatives at UWinnipeg through his creation of the Bryan Hobson Fund, and advance education on-campus as a Legacy Circle donor. The fund that bears his name is dedicated to the Aboriginal Student Services Centre and the Aboriginal Students Council. As a proud alumnus, Bryan is taking on a more active role in our shared UWinnipeg communities in becoming one of our newest Alumni Council members. Bryan lives in Toronto, Ontario where he recently retired after a 30-year career.

Council Member

Anifat Olawoyin (BSCH 16, MSC 2019)

Anifat (Ani) graduated from the University of Winnipeg with honors in 2016 and completed her Master’s degree in computer science in 2019. She joined the Alumni council in 2016 and has served in various capacities within the council including chair, nomination committee (2017/18), By-law committee member (2016 till date), council representative on University staff award senate committee (2018 & 2019) and entrance award committee (2019). She also volunteers as a board member for Mooseland Press, the publisher of Uniter student newspaper. Ani is an alumni member of University of Winnipeg Golden Key Honour society and a community soccer coach. Ani has several years of work experience in software project management and business analysis. She is currently a Ph.D. student at the University of Manitoba and works as a Business Analyst for the City of Winnipeg. Ani is married and has 3 kids. She wishes to mentor new immigrants navigating education and career options.

Council Member

Christian Milord (BA 77)

Christian graduated from the U of W in 1977, with a major in History. He served in the U.S. Coast Guard (1978-82), specializing in Electronic Radio Navigation (LORAN-C) and financial services. Following his tour, he entered the education profession and was a secondary school educator for 30 years. He received his M.S. degree from California State University, Fullerton in 1988. Currently, Christian mentors adults and university students and continues to write articles for various media outlets. He resides in California.

Council Member

Danielle Keenan (BA 16, PACE 16, PACE 18)

Danielle is a graduate of the University of Winnipeg with a Bachelor’s degree in criminal justice (16), a Public Relations and Strategic Communications Diploma (PACE 16), and a Marketing Management Diploma (PACE 16). Giving back to the community has been at the heart of Danielle’s identity and work her entire life, especially growing up in a small town. She has volunteered with local organizations such as the Lion’s Club and Knights of Columbus, as well as national organizations such as the Canadian Cancer Society, Alzheimer’s Society, and various political organizations. She now works for the Government of Canada, where she has the opportunity to mentor interns looking to work for the federal government, especially young women. She splits her time between Ottawa and Winnipeg.

Alumni Association Board Of Regents Representatives 2021-2022

Chair, Board of Regents

Stefan Jonasson (Collegiate 79, BA 88, M.Div 97)

Stefan Jonasson is presently Editor of Lögberg-Heimskringla, an Icelandic community newspaper. Previously, he was a member of the professional staff of the Boston-based Unitarian Universalist Association for 24 years. Stefan received the University Gold Medal in Religious Studies in 1988 and the Governor General’s Gold Medal in 1997. He was a member of the Alumni Council from 2008 to 2014 and its president from 2012 to 2013. He was appointed to the Board of Regents in 2015. He is also a member of the Interfaith Roundtable. He received the Queen Elizabeth II Diamond Jubilee Medal in 2013 in recognition of his community service. Stefan lives in Winnipeg with his wife Cindy and they have two adult daughters.

Board of Regents Representative

Dorothy Young (BA 75)

Dorothy was an educator (teacher, administrator, superintendent) for 40 years in public education in Manitoba. She has a BA from the University of Winnipeg, a B. Ed., M. Ed., and Ph. D. from the University of Manitoba, and Certificates in Clinical Supervision from UCLA. She was recently re-elected to a second three-year term on the Alumni Council. Dorothy has extensive volunteer experience within education, including President of The Manitoba Teachers’ Society; at the Canadian Museum for Human Rights; the Grace Hospital, including co-chair of the Patient and Family Advisory Committee; at her church; Child and Family Services of Winnipeg West, including chairperson; and as a Director on the Board of CJNU Nostalgia Radio. She has won numerous awards including the Dr. J. M. Brown Award for her outstanding contribution to teacher education in Manitoba, and the Paul Harris Fellow Award for vocational excellence from the Winnipeg-Assiniboine Rotary Club. In her spare time, Dorothy develops policies, procedures, and reviews bylaws and constitutions for organizations. Dorothy was appointed to the Board of Regents in July, 2019 and sits on both the Audit and Risk and the Governance and Community Relations Committees.

Board of Regents Representative

Ruth Dickinson (BAH 18)

Ruth Dickinson has worked as a Business Administrator for 32 years with the last 17 years at Reflections Dental Health Centre and Campus Dental Centre, where she is Team Lead Manager. She is an alumnus of The University of Winnipeg, where she obtained her Bachelor of Arts Honours (Classics) in 2018 and Bachelor of Arts (Geography) in 2015, twice earning the Chancellor's Gold Medal for the highest standing. From 2010 to 2020 she was also a UW tutor, lab demonstrator, marker, invigilator and teaching assistant. She also attended Niagara College where she obtained her Dental Assisting Diploma in 1989. Ruth served for two years as President of the University of Winnipeg Alumni Association, and currently serves on numerous boards including The Kroeger Clocks Heritage Foundation as Treasurer, as well as The University of Winnipeg Golden Key Chapter Executive Committee as Past President and current VP Alumni Relations. Ruth was appointed to The University of Winnipeg Board of Regents in 2020, and sits on the Board's Governance and Community Relations Committee. In her spare time, she co-organizes New Directions in Classics, a public lecture series out of the UWinnipeg Classics Department. Ruth was awarded the UWinnipeg Dr. and Mrs. Roderick Hunter Scholarship for her volunteer work. Ruth plans to begin her Master's in Business Administration in 2022.